Young Feminist Europe is an open platform that aims to amplify young feminist voices and activities across Europe.
Vision & Mission
Young Feminist Europe is an open platform that aims to amplify young feminist voices and activities across Europe through campaigns, advocacy and movement building. We want to see a Europe where young feminists impact and shape a society that is built on intersectional values. By building an inclusive and participatory space that fosters self-organised and co-creational activities beyond traditional power structures, we aim to create transformative systemic change that achieves gender equality, equity and social justice for all.
Although Young Feminist Europe is a non-partisan platform, we recognise that feminism in itself is political; therefore, the mission of achieving gender equality needs to be holistic and all-encompassing to end the intersecting oppression that women face.
Through our campaigning activities, we aim to harness the power of grassroots and digital activism to build a movement where young feminists advocate to policy makers on the issues that matter to them. With each rally, march, tweet, petition signing and post, young feminists are demanding that their voices be heard.
Who We Are
Young Feminist Europe is an independent platform that operates on a non-profit basis, in a flat working-group structure, and is managed by a group of diverse young feminists aged between 18-35 years old. We’re not only based in Brussels but can be found in Germany, Austria, Spain, Croatia, Ireland and our presence across Europe is always growing.

Young Feminist Europe can trace its roots back to 2015 when two different feminist initiatives formed. Young Feminist Brussels was founded when a group of diverse Brussels-based feminists got together after their participation to the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The group focused its activities on regular participatory discussion meetings and cultural events. During that same year, European Young Feminists was also formed by members of the European Women’s Lobby AGORA Alumni who facilitated online spaces and blogs for wider feminist engagement.
In 2017, these two groups merged to create Young Feminist Europe and integrated their activities and was solely managed by Brussels-based feminists. However, the leadership of the platform passed on to new hands in 2019 who relaunched Young Feminist Europe to not only widen the scope of its activities to focus on campaigning, advocacy and movement building but to truly become representative of young feminists across Europe.
Young Feminist Europe aims to provide a safe space for all self-identifying women and we believe that the greatest tool to dismantle patriarchal power structures is feminism built on solidarity with migrants, LGBTQI+ and other disadvantaged groups. We will always strive to increase the diversity of Young Feminist Europe and to make space for those who need it most.
To achieve Young Feminist Europe's vision, we aim to harness the power of feminist grassroots and hashtag activism.
Grassroots Activism
Capacity building with our core base and expanding our membership. We also organise and collaborate on feminist events, projects and initiatives, as well as engage with key stakeholders around the EU bubble.

Digital Activism
Provide online spaces for engagement and increase our outreach to young feminists across Europe to enable them to take part in our activities. Our channels also allow us to develop our network with the wider feminist community.