YFE at #CSW67
This year, Young Feminist Europe is leading the #YouthLedChange during CSW67
We are planning Parallel events #NGOCSW/NY and participating in the Youth preparation series to CSW67. Do you want to follow our work?
Register to the Young Feminist Hub!
Be Aware of the Malware. YFE's #16daysofActivism2022 campaign on GBV
This year, Young Feminist Europe together with COFEM (Coalition of Feminists for social change) decided to join forces for an international campaign aiming to research and raise awareness on the topic of online gender based violence and how this targets in particular human rights defenders.
Alliance for Feminist Movements
Collective Care Space

Subscribe to our Newsletter #FemDigest
Discover the YFE’s Newsletter, where you can find articles, blogs, policy developments and all with a splash of feminist pop-culture!
The #FemDigest is designed to let you know what we and what other young feminists have been up to, connect you to the wider feminist community and all while bringing feminist news to you.
GEF Young Feminist Manifesto
A bold and transformative vision for change

However, the unfolding of the GEF to date has left most of the Youth Task Force (YTF) and youth-led organizations and activists frustrated, as in practice it seems that the GEF is a partner to youth in spirit, but not in actions.
As Leaders of the GEF Action Coalition on “Feminist Movements & Leadership”, together with other youth-led organisations, we’ve crafted the Young Feminist Manifesto!
Covid-19 is a Feminist Issue
Young Feminist Europe responds to the global pandemic by advocating that we need a holistic feminist approach that overcomes the "crisis of care". Check out our blog and endorsed civil society statements below:
- BLOG POST - Coronavirus Pandemic: Grasping the Outbreak with a Feminist Perspective
- BLOG POST - Covid-19: Violating Abortion Rights in a Pandemic
- Joint civil society statement: European governments must ensure safe and timely access to abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Statement of Feminists and Women’s Rights Organizations from the Global South and marginalized communities in the Global North
- For a Europe that cares for all – during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond