Lithuanian Gold Fish Ruta Meilutyte

Rio Olympics 2016 was one of the biggest events this summer that captured the world’s attention. What we saw is a competition between countries that win more medals, but inside every sport and country has a different story. One such story is about a young Lithuanian swimmer, Ruta Meilutyte, who won all possible champions in the world, but at the end of the Rio Olympics surprisingly returned to Lithuania without a single medal.

“Stop bawling” – Obstetric violence in Hungary: Ne üvöltsön már annyira” – Szülési jogok Magyarországon [EN/HU]

Giving birth can be a traumatic experience: hospitals are crowded, doctors don’t have time to, or cannot, respect the desires of the women giving birth. A discussion with Pálma Fazakas, a Hungarian activist for obstetric rights.

Fazakas Pálmával, aki egyesületével a szülési jogokért küzd, készült egy interjú, melyben beszámol arról, hogy milyen lehetöségeket lát arra, hogy egy egészségügyi rendszer jöjjön létre, mely a szülö nök jogait tiszteli.

Solidarity with Polish Women: Abortion Rights in Poland – Odzyskać wybór: o prawach aborcyjnych w Polsce [EN/PL]

Many feminists across Europe have shown solidarity with Polish women following a proposed legislation that would completely ban or extremely limit the right to abortion. What were the reactions in Poland? And is it possible that the issue only is used to divert public attention from other worrying developments in Polish politics?

Prawa kobiet w Polsce stały się niedawno niezwykle głośnym tematem w europejskich mediach w związku z planowanym znacznym ograniczeniem prawa do aborcji.