How to Vote for an #ECOFeminist Europe
How to vote for Gender Equality and the Climate this European Parliamentary Election #ecofeministsscorecard
How to vote for Gender Equality and the Climate this European Parliamentary Election #ecofeministsscorecard
The feminist movement has garnered serious momentum in Ireland over the past decade. But, how has the European Union helped shape the path to gender equality in Ireland over the past forty years?
Since the election of populist far-right forces, Italy has seen a serious regression in women’s rights – which recently culminated in Italy hosting the ultra-conservative World Congress of Families. So, how serious is the situation in Italy and how will voting for feminist candidates in the upcoming EU elections help?
As the erosion of women’s rights continues in a number of Member States, electing feminist MEPs for the next European Parliament term is crucial. The backlash on women’s rights in Italy demonstrates why.
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