“Stop bawling” – Obstetric violence in Hungary: Ne üvöltsön már annyira” – Szülési jogok Magyarországon [EN/HU]

Giving birth can be a traumatic experience: hospitals are crowded, doctors don’t have time to, or cannot, respect the desires of the women giving birth. A discussion with Pálma Fazakas, a Hungarian activist for obstetric rights.

Fazakas Pálmával, aki egyesületével a szülési jogokért küzd, készült egy interjú, melyben beszámol arról, hogy milyen lehetöségeket lát arra, hogy egy egészségügyi rendszer jöjjön létre, mely a szülö nök jogait tiszteli.

Gender-sensitive education: “gender madness” or liberation from gender stereotypes?

A child’s education is vital in forming who he/she will become as an adult, these formative years can be especially important in how children will perceive gender in the future. How can we start from a young age to break gender stereotypes and pave the way for a completely equal society? The taboo-ed gender-sensitive education could be the answer; but what really is it and how can it help create a feminist education?