The logo of the Flemish Green Party

The Flemish Green Party – do they practice gender mainstreaming? – De groene partij van Vlaanderen – Is gendermainstreaming de norm? [EN/NL]

The Flemish Green Party in Belgium is a political party which aims to be inclusive and diverse in its goals and policies. But is it as progressive as party leaders want us to think? The party already successfully practices environmental mainstreaming – is the same true for gender mainstreaming? An analysis.

Groen is een politieke partij die probeert zo inclusief en divers mogelijk te zijn in de doelstellingen en beleidsmaatregelen. Maar zijn ze zo progressief als de partijleiders ons doen denken? De partij is al succesvol in het mainstreamen van milieukwesties binnen hun beleid – kunnen we zeggen dat dit ook zo is wat betreft gender mainstreaming? Een analyse.

“Stop bawling” – Obstetric violence in Hungary: Ne üvöltsön már annyira” – Szülési jogok Magyarországon [EN/HU]

Giving birth can be a traumatic experience: hospitals are crowded, doctors don’t have time to, or cannot, respect the desires of the women giving birth. A discussion with Pálma Fazakas, a Hungarian activist for obstetric rights.

Fazakas Pálmával, aki egyesületével a szülési jogokért küzd, készült egy interjú, melyben beszámol arról, hogy milyen lehetöségeket lát arra, hogy egy egészségügyi rendszer jöjjön létre, mely a szülö nök jogait tiszteli.

Gender-sensitive education: “gender madness” or liberation from gender stereotypes?

A child’s education is vital in forming who he/she will become as an adult, these formative years can be especially important in how children will perceive gender in the future. How can we start from a young age to break gender stereotypes and pave the way for a completely equal society? The taboo-ed gender-sensitive education could be the answer; but what really is it and how can it help create a feminist education?