The Alliance for Sustainable Feminist Movements launched on the 21st September 2022.
The Alliance is a collaborative, membership-based multi-stakeholder initiative dedicated to:
- Increasing and improving the quality of resources, including but not limited to financial resources, supporting feminist movements and agendas,
- Mobilizing partnerships and political support for diverse feminist movements, agendas, and policies.
It aims to be a key actor in fostering support for diverse feminist movements and ensuring they have better access to resources.
As young feminists, we hope for (it)
- to be a space where young feminists can shape agendas and lead conversations on the challenges, opportunities and necessities of resourcing our movements and sustaining our activism.
- to be a space where donors learn directly from youth-led movements how to fund and support us, and tap into our collective knowledge to shape their practices to best support our agendas. We would love to facilitate a Learning and Solutions Hub on resourcing and sustaining young feminist movements!
- to be a space for co-leadership by youth-led movements where power is shared. We dream of youth-led organisations in decision-making on the Steering Group!
- co-leadership, co-ownership and co-creation with young feminists of the Alliance’s agenda and priorities through transformative processes. We will not be tokenised: we do not want to be consulted, we want to co-lead!
- to co-create with young feminists in all their diversity strong mechanisms to ensure that the Steering group is accountable to all constituencies of the Alliance’s membership. This should be part of the Alliance’s commitment to transformative design and young feminist leadership.
- to challenge unequal and oppressive power structures as part of a truly intersectional approach and commit to young feminist leadership in all its diversity, placing critical power analysis at the heart of everything it does and centring the most marginalised.
Read more about young feminists’ demands around the Generation Equality process in the #YoungFeministManifesto
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